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The Help Me Talk Right tab at the top of the screen will bring you to the Help Me Talk Right books page. On the Help Me Talk Right page you will learn about Preschoool Stuttering: What Parents Can Do, How to Teach a Child to Say the “R” Sound in 15 Easy Lessons, How to Teach a Child to Say the “S” Sound in 15 Easy Lessons and How to Teach a Child to Say the “L” Sound in 15 Easy Lessons. You can hear a sample recording of a child who cannot say the sounds correctly, see the Table of Contents, sample lessons and ordering information.
The Help Me Talk Right books simplify speech correction so that you can easily help the child. For parents this is a huge cost savings. In the Help Me Talk Right books, for R, S and L, are step-by- step instructions, suggestions for fun activities, the goal of each lesson, the time needed to do each lesson, the materials needed and all the worksheets you will need. Preschool Stuttering: What Parents Can Do is a must read for parents of preschool children. The book offers parents valuable information and tips on stuttering that can stop it from becoming a life-long problem.
Speech Apps is my blog where I review apps that can be used in speech therapy. Many of these apps are great for parents and teachers to use with their children. My reviews point out what I like or don’t like about the apps and then rate them. I offer suggestions for many ways they can be used with children. I have pulled together my Help Me Talk Right, Apps for Speech Therapy blog, and Communication Skills Center sites into the one you see here. So much easier now!