Thanks for this! I #39;m sure these will be useful…
Mirla G. Raz2012-04-27T19:21:00+00:00Thanks for this! I'm sure these will be useful for my kiddos!
Thanks for this! I'm sure these will be useful for my kiddos!
There are certainly a lot more details to take into consideration, but thanks for sharing this post.source:
Far fewer middle school students need our services as compared to the number of preschool and elementary aged children who do. Those who still need therapy present with the unique challenges. After all, they still need our services. Finding apps for our middle school population can be challenging. I have found a few apps that [...]
I write this with mush-brain from jet lag, long hours on a plane, and readjusting to being back. I have just returned from Africa---a trip of a lifetime. I visited Cape Town, Victoria Falls, and went on a safari in the greater Kruger Park National Park area. The food, accommodations, people, places we visited and [...]
I downloaded nine sing-a-long apps because I liked their graphics and cheerful animation. I thought that they might have a use for therapy so I hung onto them. I went back to look at them again for this post and saw that each has a different theme. It occurred to me that each app offers [...]
I agree. It is a learning process for me as well as the tech team. Please let us know when your app is up and running.Re: /p/. Is the adult a native English speaker?
These are some of the reasons that I chose to work with a local team. Although I can't say that I've learned that much about computer coding and programming, my team has learned A LOT about speech sound production. I did have to do a little quick-fix speech therapy when we were recording the voices [...]
I met with the management team last week. I called the meeting because I was becoming increasingly frustrated with the pace of the project. To me, this project seemed to be moving at a snail's pace. In the past five months, the project had advanced to the drawing of only four characters and the team [...]
Where Am I?: There are vocabulary apps that focus strictly on vocabulary and then there are these apps that go an extra step. Where Am I apps show targeted vocabulary and then place each in its appropriate scene on the following screen. Thus, one can talk about where the object is, what it is doing, [...]
Thanks for letting us know about your app, Judy. I will be more than happy to review it for you. Mirla