Apps and EBP


When I review apps, my years of experience play a significant role in my assessments of the usefulness of apps. I rarely base my reviews on research to determine if the app is evidence based.  This is because research is time consuming and the reviews of apps take a considerable amount of my time. However, [...]

Apps and EBP2017-12-10T19:35:34+00:00

Category Apps


          Category Carousel: This app was developed by speech pathologist Lois Kam Heymann. The app offers nine general categories: transportation, animals, clothing, food, occupations, household, summer, winter and instruments. There are subcategories within animals (birds, bugs, farm, water, jungle, forest), transportation (land, water, sky), clothing (body, head, feet), food (breakfast, desserts, [...]

Category Apps2017-12-10T19:35:34+00:00

Communication Assist Apps


When the iPad first came out, I thought that this device was a godsend for people whose communication skills were so impaired that without assistance they were locked into silence or were wholly reliant on someone else to communicate for them.  For those in that situation, the iPad has the potential to offer them a [...]

Communication Assist Apps2017-12-10T19:35:35+00:00

I, too, agree with above comment. It seems somewha…


I, too, agree with above comment. It seems somewhat unprofessional for an app development company like Smarty Ears to also run and moderate a LinkedIn or Facebook group dedicated to unbiased app reviews. Also, it's very troubling when app developers review their own apps to inflate the ratings with hopes that others may purchase the [...]

I, too, agree with above comment. It seems somewha…2012-06-29T20:32:00+00:00

An App Dedicated to Social Skills, Conversation and More


Conversation Coach: A few weeks ago I was getting ready to review this app. Here’s what I had written at the time: “It took me a fairly long time to learn to all the options available. But, that may be electronically challenged me. Even though the app’s Help section does a good job explaining how [...]

An App Dedicated to Social Skills, Conversation and More2017-12-10T19:35:35+00:00

A Terrific Receptive Concepts and Directions App


Auditory Workout: This app, developed by Beata Klarowska, M.S. CCC-SLP, is one of the best I have seen for receptive language.  She has clearly given a lot of thought to all aspects of app usage for professional use.The app strategically works on prepositions, colors, size, quantity, spatial, and temporal concepts in a following directions format [...]

A Terrific Receptive Concepts and Directions App2017-12-10T19:35:35+00:00

This is exactly the reason that I wrote my post ab…


This is exactly the reason that I wrote my post about applications being researched based vs. actually researched themselves. Also, that the apps do what they state that they do. This also reminds me of when I was researching different assessments in college.I know that this comment is a few weeks after you posted this, [...]

This is exactly the reason that I wrote my post ab…2017-12-10T19:35:35+00:00

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