Category Apps


          Category Carousel: This app was developed by speech pathologist Lois Kam Heymann. The app offers nine general categories: transportation, animals, clothing, food, occupations, household, summer, winter and instruments. There are subcategories within animals (birds, bugs, farm, water, jungle, forest), transportation (land, water, sky), clothing (body, head, feet), food (breakfast, desserts, [...]

Category Apps2017-12-10T19:35:34+00:00

Communication Assist Apps


When the iPad first came out, I thought that this device was a godsend for people whose communication skills were so impaired that without assistance they were locked into silence or were wholly reliant on someone else to communicate for them.  For those in that situation, the iPad has the potential to offer them a [...]

Communication Assist Apps2017-12-10T19:35:35+00:00

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