Starting Point Apps in Language Therapy


I downloaded nine sing-a-long apps because I liked their graphics and cheerful animation. I thought that they might have a use for therapy so I hung onto them.  I went back to look at them again for this post and saw that each has a different theme. It occurred to me that each app offers [...]

Starting Point Apps in Language Therapy2017-12-10T19:35:38+00:00

These are some of the reasons that I chose to work…


These are some of the reasons that I chose to work with a local team. Although I can't say that I've learned that much about computer coding and programming, my team has learned A LOT about speech sound production. I did have to do a little quick-fix speech therapy when we were recording the voices [...]

These are some of the reasons that I chose to work…2012-03-09T21:13:00+00:00

App Development Update


I met with the management team last week. I called the meeting because I was becoming increasingly frustrated with the pace of the project. To me, this project seemed to be moving at a snail's pace. In the past five months, the project had advanced to the drawing of only four characters and the team [...]

App Development Update2017-12-10T19:35:38+00:00

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