Six More Language Adaptable Apps


Where Am I?: There are vocabulary apps that focus strictly on vocabulary and then there are these apps that go an extra step. Where Am I apps show targeted vocabulary and then place each in its appropriate scene on the following screen. Thus, one can talk about where the object is, what it is doing, [...]

Six More Language Adaptable Apps2017-12-10T19:35:38+00:00

Hi Mirla. Heard about your blog from a friend of …


Hi Mirla. Heard about your blog from a friend of mine who developed Brain-Go. I wanted to let you know about my app MouthWorks. It is an animated app designed to help children with their speech production. The highlight of the app is that each mouth posture, sound, and word (CV or CVC) is modeled [...]

Hi Mirla. Heard about your blog from a friend of …2017-12-10T19:35:38+00:00

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