One company, many free apps for vocab

2017-12-10T19:35:40+00:00 has put out a multitude of apps sorted into categories of 50 images each. Each app category is downloaded individually. I've downloaded 13 of their free apps. These apps were designed more for the iPhone than the iPad. When downloaded, one can view the pictures as iPhone size or enlarge to 2x. The enlarged [...]

One company, many free apps for vocab2017-12-10T19:35:40+00:00

Vocab apps I really like


  Peekaboo App  The Peekaboo app, by Sai Services, is one of my favorite vocab apps. Children love this app. Each vocab picture is exposed by moving an icon up, down and across each page in eraser fashion. Children enjoy the anticipation of seeing which  picture they will expose.  The icon and the picture erased [...]

Vocab apps I really like2017-12-10T19:35:40+00:00

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