Is the iPad Worth the Investment?


Some colleagues may be wondering if they should purchase the iPad to use as a therapy tool. I wanted to share my thoughts on this topic in an article I wrote for the Independent Clinician (  . I love my iPad. I bought it when it first came out. I cannot say why I decided [...]

Is the iPad Worth the Investment?2011-11-16T16:33:00+00:00

Reasoning Skills—Associations


There are many apps that one can adapt for use when targeting reasoning skills. So far, I've found 6 apps that work directly on associations. Drag and Match offers a 12 different games in this app. Among them are 4 games that can be used to teach associations. The games are: match an animal to [...]

Reasoning Skills—Associations2017-12-10T19:35:39+00:00

Reasoning Skills— Categorization


Brain-Go! is a categorization app that tells the child, "Put the object that does not belong into the trash can." This is good exposure to the categorical exclusion concept "does not belong."  There are opportunities for the child to talk about why the selection does not belong and what is the name of the category [...]

Reasoning Skills— Categorization2017-12-10T19:35:39+00:00

Apps to Use with a Two-Year-Old, Possibly on the Spectrum


A colleague asked for my suggestions for apps a parent can use with a 2 year old. She wrote, "I need some advice on a brand new client of mine.  I met him for the first time this week.  I will be seeing him at his preschool for one hour a week. This boy is [...]

Apps to Use with a Two-Year-Old, Possibly on the Spectrum2017-12-10T19:35:39+00:00

Diary of an App–meeting the team


Last week I met with the team with whom I'll be working. In addition to Alison, my project manager, I met with Brandon, the Creative Director, and Adam the Illustrator/Animator. We had a productive 2 hour meeting. We discussed what the app will target and the age range of the target group. This initial meeting [...]

Diary of an App–meeting the team2011-10-26T08:37:00+00:00

Shape and Color Apps


There are a multitude of apps available for shapes and colors.  The shape app that is the most fun is Giggle Spittles. Giggle Spittles are three alien creatures that drop down from a brick wall. As they drop they they make a whizzing sound and then a bouncing sound when they hit the ground.  There [...]

Shape and Color Apps2017-12-10T19:35:39+00:00

Diary of an app development—The start


For those of you who have been following my blogs, you know that I have been critical of a good number of apps that have been developed specifically for speech and language therapy. Well, I have decided to put my money where my mouth is and develop an app that utilizes the animation and interactivity [...]

Diary of an app development—The start2017-12-10T19:35:39+00:00

Analogies app


The other day I downloaded another Grasshopper Apps app. Little Solver targets analogies, not verbal analogies, but rather shape figural analogies. The analogies start out simple but quickly advance to analogies that I found challenging. Good spatial recognition skills are helpful. At first glance, one might question its usability for speech paths. I thought about [...]

Analogies app2017-12-10T19:35:39+00:00

ASHA Leader article on apps


"Apps: An Emerging Tool for SLPs" by Jessica Gosnell, MS, CCC-SLP, in the latest issue of the ASHA leader, discusses apps and their use in our field. One of the points she makes is that speech apps should not take the place of an SLP. She may be correct, for now. There is no doubt [...]

ASHA Leader article on apps2011-10-12T11:33:00+00:00

Minimal Pairs App


Minimal Pairs by SLP Tech Tools has a number of features I like. It allows for the tracking of up to 75 clients. Once you input the client's name and grade, the date, time, process targeted and the total correct/ incorrect, scores are tracked for each client for each session. All of this information is [...]

Minimal Pairs App2017-12-10T19:35:39+00:00

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