Thanks for your post! What about the valuable dat…


Thanks for your post! What about the valuable data-tracking capabilities of apps, the efficiency of moving between pictures so quickly, and the ability of our clients to use the apps alone or with caregivers for even more therapy? I'm an SLP developing Tactus Therapy Solutions apps for language therapy, and I ensure all these features [...]

Thanks for your post! What about the valuable dat…2017-12-10T19:35:39+00:00

Apps to Use for Descriptives


When I write about apps, I often have a debate with myself about whether or not to blog about apps that are not worth downloading, even for free. Inevitably, I mention them and then delete them from my iPad. For now, I'll continue with that policy thinking that maybe someone may find the app useful. [...]

Apps to Use for Descriptives2017-12-10T19:35:39+00:00

Is the iPad Worth the Investment?


Some colleagues may be wondering if they should purchase the iPad to use as a therapy tool. I wanted to share my thoughts on this topic in an article I wrote for the Independent Clinician (  . I love my iPad. I bought it when it first came out. I cannot say why I decided [...]

Is the iPad Worth the Investment?2011-11-16T16:33:00+00:00

Reasoning Skills—Associations


There are many apps that one can adapt for use when targeting reasoning skills. So far, I've found 6 apps that work directly on associations. Drag and Match offers a 12 different games in this app. Among them are 4 games that can be used to teach associations. The games are: match an animal to [...]

Reasoning Skills—Associations2017-12-10T19:35:39+00:00

Reasoning Skills— Categorization


Brain-Go! is a categorization app that tells the child, "Put the object that does not belong into the trash can." This is good exposure to the categorical exclusion concept "does not belong."  There are opportunities for the child to talk about why the selection does not belong and what is the name of the category [...]

Reasoning Skills— Categorization2017-12-10T19:35:39+00:00

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